Saturday, December 20, 2008

12 Inches And It Is Still Snowing!

Here are a few pictures. I missed the girls playing. When I got up they had already been out and come in they were watching TV and drinking hot chocolate. Diesel loves running and digging in the snow but he gets cold quick. He needs a real winter coat I think. Mike was out plowing last night and he is out for round 2 this morning. Frosty It is suppose to rain Wednesday. So much for a white Christmas. Love to Ganny and the rest of the family. I'll post Christmas picture next week. Hugs and Kisses to all!

1 comment:

  1. wOW tHAT'S A LOT of snow, My girls look so content after playing and having hot chocolate. All curled up under blankees and getting warm. Is it fluffy snow Or snowman snow.. The yard looks pretty with the white everywhere. David just took and exit for diesel and we drove 3 miles into a logging area and no gas station! He just turned around. He is a good driver and this rv turns excellent in a small area. Thank goodness! Pine trees everywhere, we are trying to picture it with snow on it, like No Quincy St. It used to be so pretty. I will take pictures today and sent them to you. Is it easy to put them on this blog? Boy we are lovibg our toys, me this computer and David the gps! David says Hello and he misses you all. That Diesel of yours looks like he is having so much fun in the snow. I think he needs boot although he would hate them they would keep his tiny feet warm. What size would you get for him for a coat and boots? How many inches are his feet??
    I will be back on later today. I am tired, I stayed up too late last night. We stayed at a campground and they had a free breakfast for us because we got a coupon from one of the owners at the Welcoming Center. The grits which David paid extra for were horrible, tasted like cardboard. you all. stay warm love MAMA
